Automation and Robotics

The characteristics

The Graduate of the Automation and Robotics field of study is prepared to work in enterprises using advanced computer systems and computer-controlled machine tools and manufacturing systems. In particular, one is prepared to: designing, implementation, upgrading and management of automated systems of manufacturing and assembly (machining centers, flexible manufacturing systems, numerically controlled machine tools, etc.),

designing elements and controlling systems, monitoring and surveillance devices, programming of machine tools, robotics and automated systems for manufacturing, automation of manufacturing  equipment.

Alumni of Automation and Robotics are prepared to work in the modern business as designers of control systems, the managers of the divisions equipped with this type of device, software developers, as well as in agencies and branch offices oftechnical, service and commercial businesses producing and selling cutting-edge production equipment.


Automation and Robotics’ field of study is being carried out at the I and II degree at full-time studies.

  • Studies of the I degree (engineer) last 7 semesters.
  • Studies of the II degree (master's) last 4 semesters (3from the year 20123semesters).

Studies of the I degree - engineering without the specialty.


Studies of the II degree - master's degree with disciplines:

  • Automation of Manufacturing Processes
  • Flexible ManufacturingSystems

Automation of Manufacturing Processes

The Graduates of the Automation of Manufacturing Processes specialties are prepared for engineering activities in the Automation of Manufacturing Processes: casting, welding, plastics processing and metal forming, machining, abrasive and erosive machining. In particular, they acquire the skills for designing, upgrading and operation of automated manufacturing equipment, machine tool programming and flexible manufacturing systems. They are also a part of Managing Board of the departments of large companies or small firms which are equipped with sophisticated machines and technological devices. They may also work in sales and service subsidiaries of companies producing machines with the computer control.


Subjects lectured at the specialty of Automation of Manufacturing Processes include: basics of automation of manufacturing processes, flexible manufacturing systems, control theory, microprocessors, computer aided design of manufacturing processes, the organization of automated manufacturing processes, monitoring of manufacturingprocesses.


Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Graduates of specialty of Flexible Manufacturing Systems are prepared to: designing of numerically controlled machine tools, their implementation into productionand exploitation, flexible manufacturing systems design and installation, programming numerically controlled machine tools, flexible manufacturing systems, designing of the control systems of technological equipment, development of the automated means of production. Graduates can be employed in sales and service subsidiaries of companies producing automated means of production. Subjects lectured at the specialty of Flexible Manufacturing Systems include: kinematics and dynamics of technological machines and robots, production techniques, computer aided design processes, flexible manufacturing systems, control systems, flexible manufacturing, and flexible manufacturing systems organization.

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