Studies at the Faculty of Production Engineering

Faculty of Production Engineering offers the following programmes in English at graduate level:

- Global Production Engineering and Management


Citizens of foreign countries applying for studies in English at Warsaw University of Technology on the same conditions as citizens of Poland must register at and select a desired programme of studies. Next, an application fee of the amount given must be paid into an individually given bank account, which will be accompanied by the confirmation of registration.

As soon as the application fee is entered into the bank system, the applicant gets the confirmation of payment on its own page in the registration portal and obtains the official status of a study candidate.


List of documents required during application:

  For M.Sc. level:

  • the higher education diploma (at least undergraduate) submitted together with two important requirements:
  • Legalization or apostille depending on country in which the document was issued,
  • Eligibility statement saying that document allows to continue education on appropriate (M.Sc.) level;  
  • photocopy of diploma supplement (with its original available upon request) or official transcript of grades;
  • photocopy of International Baccalaureate diploma (IB) or secondary-school leaving examination certificate or other document obtained abroad considered to be equivalent to respective Polish maturity certificate;
  • the copy of passport pages with three required elements: personal information, photo and signature;
  • document certifying the right for applying for study programme according to rules applicable to Polish nationals;
  • document that certifies the candidate's possession of health insurance or casualty insurance for the period of studying in Poland, or photocopy of the European Health Insurance Card, or a declaration of taking out the insurance in the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) immediately upon start of first semester;
  • four photographs (35mm x 45 mm) taken according to the guidelines for issuing identity cards.

All documents of students from the European Union must be translated into Polish


GPEM studies

Schedule for the academic year 2017/2018

List of dates in action for admission to full-time secondary education in the academic year 2017/2018


August 2, 2017


the beginning of thesubmission ofthe required documents

August 30, 2017


the end of submission ofrequired documents

the deadline forpayment ofthe recruitment fee


February 5, 2017



announcement of the resultsof recruitment,

Offer of studies of the Faculty of Production Engineering and number of seats:



Number of seats
since October 2015.
Automatyka i Robotyka 25
Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn 50
Papiernictwo i Poligrafia 50
Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji 50
Global Production Engineering and Management 50

Surcharge for English-language studies

According to the decision of the rector of the Technical University of Warsaw No. 72/2017 dated 22.05.2017 in the table they are presented the directions of the second cycle of stationary conducted in English, requiring payments in the academic year 2016/2017.Surcharge for English-language studies

Faculty Studies Payment
Faculty of Production Engineering Management and Production Engineering None



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